Welcome to the 3rd annual Handmade Holiday’s Blog Hop! Aren’t handmade gifts the best?
As part of the Ice Resin design team, I was asked to participate in this blog hop. I received some fun items from Walnut Hollow and Clearsnap to work with, as well as Ice Resin. Let’s jump in!
I started with the wooden bistro sign which I lightly sanded and applied a light coat of acrylic paint.
Next I moved on to the Magic stamp. Using a heat gun and block of wood I created a wood grain stamp that I transferred to the bistro sign. The grain was then laid over the pre painted board using the Surfacez Caribbean ink. After this step, I applied torn tissue paper with decoupage for a light, transparent texture.
The lettering was also done using theSurfacez ink.
Next, the ampersand was painted and text applied, followed by smalll tack nails to attach. Lastly, a top coat of Ice Resin was applied to seal the deal!
Hop along and check out what my creative friends are up to~
November 1:
Clearsnap http://blog. clearsnap.com
Craft Attitude http://www. jonathanfongstyle.com/blog/
Smoothfoam http://www. smoothfoam.com/blog/
Donna Salazar Designs http:// donnasalazardesigns.blogspot. com/
Walnut Hollow http:// walnuthollowcrafts.wordpress. com/
100 Proof Press http://www. 100proofpress.com/_blog/Blog
Graphic45 http://g45papers. typepad.com/
ICE Resin http://iceresin.com/ icequeen/
Stampendous http:// stampendousblog.wordpress.com/
Sizzix – Eileen Hull Designs http://eileenhull. blogspot.com/
Donna Salazar Designs - Mistra Hoolahan http:// mistrabutterfly.blogspot.com/
100 Proof Press – Elise Durenburger http:// mamacowcreations.blogspot.com/
ICE Resin – Lexi Grenzer http://iceresin.com/ icequeen/
Graphic 45 – Rhea Freitag http:// starrgazercreates.blogspot. com/
Clearsnap – Debbie Cole http://www.debbiecole.com
Smoothfoam – Vicki O’Dell http://www.vickiodell. com
100 Proof Press – Teresa Abajo http://thetamarisk. blogspot.com/
Sizzix – Amy Bowerman http:// pluckingdaisies.com/
Smoothfoam – Lisa Fulmer http://lisalizalou. blogspot.com/
November 2:
Clearsnap http://blog. clearsnap.com
Craft Attitude http://www. jonathanfongstyle.com/blog/
Smoothfoam http://www. smoothfoam.com/blog/
Donna Salazar Designs http:// donnasalazardesigns.blogspot. com/
Walnut Hollow http:// walnuthollowcrafts.wordpress. com/
100 Proof Press http://www. 100proofpress.com/_blog/Blog
Graphic45 http://g45papers. typepad.com/
ICE Resin http://iceresin.com/ icequeen/
Stampendous http:// stampendousblog.wordpress.com/
Sizzix – Eileen Hull Designs http://eileenhull. blogspot.com/
Graphic 45 – Romy Veul - http://scrapstuffandmore. blogspot.nl/
Clearsnap – Steph Ackerman http:// stephaniescraps.blogspot.com/
Sizzix – Tami Mayberry http://tamimayberry. blogspot.com/
100 Proof Press – Vicki O’Dell http://www.vickiodell. com
ICE Resin - Cindy Cima Edwards http://www.cindycima. com/
Donna Salazar Designs – Nadia Canizzo http://samnadia. blogspot.com/
Graphic 45 – Susan Lui http://luv2scrap-pages. blogspot.com/
Sizzix - Lorine Mason http://lorinemason.com/ blog/
Smoothfoam – Lindsay Obermeyer http://loops. typepad.com/serendipity/
Donna Salazar Designs – Tracey Sabella http://gracescraps. blogspot.com/
Clearsnap – Meihsia Liu http://meihsia.blogspot. com/
November 3:
Clearsnap http://blog. clearsnap.com
Craft Attitude http://www. jonathanfongstyle.com/blog/
Smoothfoam http://www. smoothfoam.com/blog/
Donna Salazar Designs http:// donnasalazardesigns.blogspot. com/
Walnut Hollow http:// walnuthollowcrafts.wordpress. com/
100 Proof Press http://www. 100proofpress.com/_blog/Blog
Graphic45 http://g45papers. typepad.com/
ICE Resin http://iceresin.com/ icequeen/
Stampendous http:// stampendousblog.wordpress.com/
Sizzix – Eileen Hull Designs http://eileenhull. blogspot.com/
Jamie Dougherty http://www. jamiedoughertydesigns.com/#! blogger-feed/c12za
Nathalie Kalbach www.nathaliesstudio. com
Jen Goode http://www. 100directions.com/
Kathy Cano-Murillo http://www. craftychica.com/site/
Tanner Bell http://www.craftteen. com
Jennifer Priest http://hydrangeahippo. com
Jen Cushman http://jencushman. wordpress.com/
Adrienne Ford http://bry-and-i. blogspot.com/
Joanne Fink http://www.zenspirations. com/home/
Vicki O'Dell http://vickiodell.com/
Liz Hicks http://blogerisms. blogspot.com/
Denise Hahn http://inmyblueroom. blogspot.com/
Courtney Chambers http://www. alittlecraftinyourday.com
Tami Mayberry http://tamimayberry. blogspot.com/
Norma Rapko http://normarapko.