We’re 2 weeks into a brand new year already. It's time to implement those changes. So, what are your plans for 2017? I’ll tell you what mine are.
Those who know me know that I LOVE TO CREATE! But, am I making enough time for it? Probably not. Living a handmade life and running your own handmade jewelry business isn't all about making. There's lots of other stuff that takes over your time.
My plan is to set aside blocks of studio time. If necessary, I’ll even drop everything when an idea comes about (I should, right???). Now I’m not normally one to waste time, however, it does happen. So, I plan on working more efficiently and being more aware of time flying out the window.
I will also continue to implement sustainable practices into my contemporary jewelry.
There will also be education for me in 2017. I will be attending Arrowmont school of arts and crafts in Gatlinburg for the first time this summer. I’m so excited about this! Lot's of friends have gone or taught, so I've heard so much about it. Can't wait for that playtime.
I hope you've reflected on 2016 and are looking forward to your fresh new start. Who knows what else the year will bring, but make it count…
Peace, Jo