Lately good vibes have been coming my way. No black cats crossing my path…Is it because I’m open to it? That I’m paying attention? I don’t know for sure, but who am I to question things?
Here’s the chain of events:
In March of 2012 I met Susan Lenart Kazmer at Artfest and became part of her mixed media design team in September. Late October I met Regina from RMA Design Studio. In a discussion, I discovered she manufactures in pewter (which I happened to be researching).

Fast forward to July of this year: I am fortunate enough to meet the wonderful people at Makers Square in Ft Lauderdale. They are as passionate about creating as I am and in less than 2 weeks I will be teaching the very first class there on Ice Resin®!
A few months ago Regina and I got together and pow wowed! We produced some pieces and she sent me on my way.

Last week a friend asks if I want to get together and do a photo shoot with my jewelry. Well, YES! I’m (im)patiently awaiting the photos to add to my look book for my pitch for a major retailer. Can’t wait to see the photos…
I also had the good fortune of being given an enameling kiln last week. How sweet!
Rewind to yesterday: I get an email presenting the opportunity to make jewelry that will end up in celebrities’ hands at the Emmy’s. Are you kidding me??? Of course I jumped on the opportunity.
I’d have to say the planets are aligning…
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